Gilbert Arenas suggests a lottery pick reward for NBA In-Season Tournament winners

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Gilbert Arenas proposes lotto tickets for NBA midseason champions

The NBA In-Season Tournament (IST) has been met with mixed reactions, with some praising the addition of excitement and drama to the season, while others feel that the current format and rewards are not enough.

Former NBA star Gilbert Arenas is among those who believe that the IST needs a more substantial prize for the winning team. In his podcast "Gil's Arena," he suggested that a lottery pick in the NBA Draft would be a fair reward.

Arenas argued that giving the IST winner a lottery pick would incentivize teams to take the tournament seriously and would make it more meaningful for the fans. He also pointed out that a lottery pick could be used to trade for a star player, which could help a team improve its chances of winning a championship.

Kenyon Martin, a guest on Arenas' podcast, agreed with the idea of a lottery pick reward, but suggested that a top-14 pick would be more fair than a top-eight pick. Arenas still thought that a top-14 pick would be a valuable asset, as it could be used to acquire a young player with the potential to develop into a star.

The NBA is currently considering potential changes to the IST, including the addition of a more substantial prize for the winning team. It is unclear whether the league will adopt Arena's suggestion, but it is clear that there is a desire to make the IST more meaningful for the teams and fans.
